Contract Options & Training
Full Contract
As of April 2021, we have successfully completed 10 projects in 5 different countries on full golf course projects where EcoBunker Ltd was the Principal Contractor in charge of bunker construction.
We have proven capability to take on full responsibility for Plant, Labour, Materials as well as all the administrative, logistical, commercial, operational and contractual obligations. We also undertake full ‘Turnkey’ responsibility by employing a professional designer within our team. Among our successful projects, Dumbarnie Links (75 bunkers in 18 weeks) was recently voted 2021 World’s Best New Golf Development by Golf Inc Magazine.
Managed Contract
Sometimes, a golf course has construction resources that they want to use on their bunker project. However they recognise the need for specialist project management and leadership skills to drive the project forward, keep it on track and maintain top quality.
We have done this with great success several times, and Tynemouth GC is an excellent example of the benefits. Here, we supplied a full time, site based project manager, and all the EcoBunker material. The club provided the plant and labour, and importantly made a commitment to a 6 week, 34 bunker project, which was completed on time, within budget.
Self-Build Contracts
This is often the choice for clubs who have the resources and skills to build their own bunkers in-house.
Although the EcoBunker system is patented, golf clubs (or their preferred contractor) can install our products under licence. This is a simple arrangement, but before we enter into an agreement of this sort we provide a professionally run construction experience, tailored to meet the individual needs of each client.
Scottish and experienced revetters may need minimal assistance, whereas those new to bunker construction will benefit from a 3 or 4 day construction experience alongside one of our highly competent Project Managers. The feedback on our construction experience is overwhelmingly very positive. We administer a certified scheme, and trained bunker builders are eligible for CPD.